The rebuilding of St.Nicholas of Myra Catholic Church has really been an undeniable example of blind obedience and heroic patience. Its history and story embodies what it means to have faith and trust in the Lord. Originally built in 1971, the parish had unfortunately been heavily impacted and lost their much-respected pastor, Fr. Arthur "Red" Ginart by Hurricane Katrina in 2005. Following the immediate rebuilding of the city, St. Nicholas of Myra was officially closed by the archdiocese. However, that did not stop the faithful parishoners in spirit. Thereafter, parishoners began to commute to Resurrection of Our Lord Catholic Church.
Though St. Nicholas' parishoners are always welcomed at Resurrection, the long commute was a perpetual obstacle for those far out in deep of East New Orleans. So with the help of a few parishioners: the Mr. Gene Giroir, his wife Linda Giroir, Hill Wegener, Fr. Michael Joseph Nguyen and their proposition to reopen St. Nicholas, the journey began with the approval of Archbishop Aymond in 2012. Suddenly with the loss of Fr. Michael Joseph Nguyen, the reopening was slightly delayed, but in spite of it, this gave the parishoners more reason to persist in reopening this church in which so many have dedicated endless hours of themselves.
After an outpour of help from the community, the work was done and the building was rebuilt. Archbishop Aymond commenced a reopening mass in March of 2014, where hundreds of people stood of lack of space.
The church is currently now a mission church under Resurrection of Our Lord Catholic Church. It has since been steadily growing stronger, but none the less, has never lost faith.
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